Thursday, May 21, 2020

How to Report Child Pornography

It is illegal to own or to create child pornography in the United States and to distribute it. Child pornography is generally defined as sexualized photos or videos of children under 18 or of children under the age of 18 performing sexual acts. There is no free speech, or First Amendment, protection for child pornography. The National Center for Missing Exploited Children (NCMEC) refers to these images as child sexual abuse imagery (CSAI), which the organization believes most accurately reflects what is depicted: the sexual abuse and exploitation of children. If you encounter child pornography either online or through the U.S. mail, it is important to report the crime to the proper authorities. Online   If you encounter child pornography on the Internet, you can report the site address to your internet service provider and to your local or state FBI or Customs office listed in your hardcopy telephone directory or online. Federal law requires that U.S.-based service providers report instances of apparent child pornography to the NCMEC’s CyberTipline.   You can also report child pornography online by sending the site address directly to the NCMEC at NCMEC will forward your report to the appropriate investigative agency for follow-up. To collect the address, or URL, of a child pornography website, click on the address in your browsers address bar to highlight and select it, then paste it into a text file or email message. U.S. Mail Sending images of child pornography through the U.S. Mail is a violation of federal law. Such pictures are not constitutionally protected speech; they are evidence of the sexual exploitation. If you have information about the use of the U.S. Postal Service to send child pornography, contact the U.S. Postal Inspection Service listed in your telephone directory or online. Why Report It If you happen upon an image of child porn online, you might think that there is no point in reporting it because the image could have come from anywhere in the world. If you believe no one could track down those involved in its creation, youre wrong. FBI investigators are skilled at the type of forensic investigation required  to track down the people producing these images. There have been cases in which investigators used the wallpaper and bedsheets in the images to identify the hotel being used by a ring of child pornographers. By reporting child pornography when you see it, youre raising the chances that a child could be saved or that evidence could be found to put someone who hurts children behind bars. Prevalence As of November 20, 2018, the NCMECs CyberTipline had received 42.9 million reports of CSAIs. The organizations Child Victim Identification Program (CVIP) had reviewed more than 267 million images and videos, and nearly 16,000 victims had been identified by law enforcement. Other Tips The U.S. Postal Service offers these additional tips for protecting children from sexual exploitation: Report suspicious activity, even when you just have a â€Å"gut feeling† that something doesn’t feel right.Never share personal information online, such as addresses, phone numbers, school names, information about friends, or email addresses.Use security software, including filtering or monitoring software, for all your computers and devices.Talk with your kids and encourage them to talk to you about their online activities. Sources The Scourge of Child Pornography. FBI.Sexual Abuse Imagery. National Center for Missing Exploited Children.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Teleological Ethical Theory Measures Morality Based On The...

Teleological ethical theory measures morality based on the consequences of an action. Best described by the epithet ‘the ends justify the means.’ Emphasis is placed on doing the greatest good for the greatest number, realizing some may be hurt in the process of providing for this greater good. This includes Utilitarianism and hedonistic calculus. Deontological ethical theories, conversely, base ethical value on doing good for the sake of doing good. Furthermore, this can be summarized with aphorisms such as ‘virtue is its own reward,’ or ‘let justice be done though the heavens fall.’ These are the duty-based theories, and focus more on individual actions and the motivations behind these actions than the end result. Firstly, a teleological approach to the scenario makes the following facts pertinent to the implementation of this theory. Parker was killed in order to sustain and save the others in the crew. It allowed them to last until they were rescued several days later. He had no family, no wife or children he was supporting. He was the sickest of the men in the dinghy, and was very unlikely to survive long enough to be rescued. If Dudley had chosen to kill one of the others, it is likely that two of the crew members would have died at sea: Parker and the other man killed to save the crew. These facts are critical since they all help to support the argument that this action taken by Dudley ensured the survival of the largest number of his crew, while causing theShow MoreRelatedDiscussion of The Issues Raised in Meta-Ethics Essay1454 Words   |  6 Pagesand how they should behave. It is based on ideas of what is morally good. But, in order to understand ethics, a definition of good needs to be determined. Here, one sees that such ideas will vary from person to person and from culture to culture. 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Pepsi History Free Essays

1. 2- INDUSTRY HISTORY OF PEPSI-COLA INDUSTRY. The Pepsi-Cola story itself begins with a drugstore in New Bern, North Carolina, and a pharmacist named Caleb Bradham. We will write a custom essay sample on Pepsi History or any similar topic only for you Order Now Bradham’s aim was to create a fountain drink that was both delicious and healthful in aiding digestion and boosting energy. It would be free of the impurities found in many bottled health tonics, and it would contain none of the stronger narcotics often added to popular fountain drinks. As most pharmacies in 1896, Bradham’s drugstore housed soda fountain where the small-town clientele would meet to socialize. Bradham’s establishment even featured a kind of primitive jukebox, which for a nickel would entertain the listener with the latest musical selections rendered by violin or piano or both It was at such convivial gatherings that Bradham would offer his latest concoction. Over time, one of his recipes became known as Brad’s Drink. A member of the press declared, â€Å"It has sparkle and just enough acidity to make it pleasant. † Soon its popularity would exceed the boundaries of New Bern. The cellar of Bradham’s drugstore served as the original site of Pepsi-Cola syrup manufacturing. Electing to start his new business on a small, manageable scale, Bradham based his operation on familiar territory. Ingredients were hauled downstairs to cramped quarters where they were mixed together and then cooked in a large kettle. The syrup was subsequently poured into one-gallon jugs and five-gallon kegs to be shipped to customers. By 1902, the demand from surrounding drugstores increased so dramatically it dawned on Bradham that Pepsi-Cola was something special. On December 24, 1902, he filed incorporation papers with the state of North Carolina; in these, he indicated his plans for corporate branches in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New York. PepsiCo, Inc. is currently one of the most successful consumer products company in the world with annual revenues exceeding $30 billion and has more than 480,000 employees. PepsiCo, Inc. began as a successor to a company incorporated in 1931, known as Loft Inc. Once known as PepsiCo Cola, the company expanded its business and adopted its current name, PepsiCo, after a merger with Frito-Lay in 1965. Currently, PepsiCo divisions operate in three major US and international businesses: beverages, snack foods, and restaurants. In each of these businesses, PepsiCo believes their success depends upon the quality and value of their products by providing a safe, whole some, economically efficient and a healthy environment for their customers; and by providing a fair return to their investors while maintaining the highest standards of integrity. PepsiCo headquarter PepsiCo world headquarters is located in purchase, New York, approximately 45 minutes from New York City. Edward Durrell stone, one of America’s foremost architects, designed the seven-building headquarters complex. The building occupies 10 acres of a 144-acre complex that includes the Donald m. Kendall sculpture gardens, a world- acclaimed sculpture collection in a garden setting. Masters such as august Rodin, henrys Laurens, Henry Moore, Alexander Calder, Alberta Giacometti, Renaldo pomander and Claes Oldenburg focus the collection of works on major twentieth century art, and features works. The gardens originally were designed by the world famous garden planner, Russell page, and have been extended by Francois goffinet1. The grounds are open to the public, and a visitor’s booth is in operation during the spring and summer. 1990 saw the coming of the multinational Pepsi cola company founded by Cleb Badham in 1890 at north Crolina in USA now it is ked 86th (1998) in the world with the asset of around $25000 million, having its head quarter at Atlanta. Its CEO is roger enrico and Pepsi co. India holding chairman is Mr. Rajiv Baksi. Pepsi co. India’s is at gurgaon. Presently is operating in 196 countries. In India it has 34 bottling plant of them 8 are cobo and 26 are fobo of which one in PepsiCo India Holdings Pvt. Ltd. How to cite Pepsi History, Essay examples